Where can I meet Mamma Moo and Crow?
Want to meet Mamma Moo and Crow? These wonderful characters are often out in different malls, shopping centres and at markets. At these locations, they put on dance performances and are ready to give you a hug and have their picture taken together with you. To keep track of where in Sweden they are, check our Instagram account. We keep the account updated with the latest information.
Mamma Moo and Crow can be booked either as a Meet & Greet event or as ‘Mamma Moo’s Musical Adventures’, a mini-show where children can sing and dance along to classic songs from the series. More information is available at Junior Productions. The company is also in charge of the costumes. Please send questions about renting the costumes or about events to: paul@juniorproductions.se.
Where can I meet Mamma Moo and Crow?
Want to meet Mamma Moo and Crow? These wonderful characters are often out in different malls, shopping centres and at markets. At these locations, they put on dance performances and are ready to give you a hug and have their picture taken together with you. To keep track of where in Sweden they are, check our Instagram account. We keep the account updated with the latest information.
Mamma Moo and Crow can be booked either as a Meet & Greet event or as ‘Mamma Moo’s Musical Adventures’, a mini-show where children can sing and dance along to classic songs from the series. More information is available at Junior Productions. The company is also in charge of the costumes. Please send questions about renting the costumes or about events to: paul@juniorproductions.se.